a plethora of creativity including planning, crafting, DIYing, food and more....a journey of the fab 4....


Fevers, Chills, Tissues, and Cabin Fever

On day two of me beginning the 21 Days to getting Organized Challenge I was confronted with a hated four letter word in our house....no, not the ones you are thinking of, but a word that is very much despised in our home.....SICK!  It didn't use to be such a serious word, but since the youngest was diagnosed with asthma as a wee little girl, it is serious business b/c when she gets sick, it takes her longer to recover!  This has been the worst case of the sickies she has had in a very long time.  This has been a very, very long week....3 visits to the doctor and too many meds to try to dispense without a chart to make sure they are being given properly.  And as a parent all I want to do is make it all better....take the suffering away from her.....this is one time i wish i could have a magic wand and wave it over her head and ***PooF*** she would be all better!!!  So we went from a single ear infection into full blown severe bronchitis/borderline pneumonia in less than 48 hours (and she was on an antibiotic too).  Our ped's dr. thought is was pneumonia and i am still not sure that it wasn't (i know you are asking, is she a doctor? no, but i know my daughter and she has had pneumonia enough times that i know what it looks like on an x-ray too), but she is on a different antiobiotic now and seems to be on the mend SSSSLLLLLOOOOOOOWWWWLLlLLYYY....today is day seven and the poor thing has such cabin fever.....i am hopeful that she will be well enough to go back to pre-school tomorrow, but it depends on how the rest of today goes....
she is just too darn cute...even taking a breathing treatment!

so needless to say, i hope to resume the 21 day organizing challenge tomorrow with my computer desk...which i am not looking forward to at all b/c the word disfunctional is the best way to describe it....just wait, you'll see!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

so sorry your daughter is sick. hope shes back to normal soon!