a plethora of creativity including planning, crafting, DIYing, food and more....a journey of the fab 4....


my day 1 of the organize challenge~junk drawer

so i am a little late in getting on board with the 21 days of getting organized with a bowl full of lemons....but better late than never, right....  ;0)   so the first day of the challenge, challenged us to tackle that lovely junk drawer.....i feel like my junk drawer is every drawer in my house lately, but i chose the worst one of them all and it's in my kitchen...no judging please....
my before....

all the contents...
i actually cleaned it out, but looking at this it really doesn't look much better....

don't judge me, i tried....all the batteries are not for emergencies like you might think, but they are for the addiction that hubby and son have to their x-box wireless remote.....they are sorted by whether they have been used or not too....not my system, theirs....lol....well, it's off to see what the next challenge will be for me in my lil abode.....
linking this post to a bowl full of lemons 21 day challenge....hop on over to see how others are succeeding...

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