let's just say that i have avoided doing this for almost a week due to not really wanting to admit that summer is nearly over....i just didn't want to face the music, but reluctantly i have given in....i am desperately looking forward to the fall weather though it means new things are to come....hunter is starting middle school next week (insert large sigh) and piper will be going back to her preschool, although i am still wondering if we really made the right choice in not going ahead and sending her to kindergarten early.....ok, for the summer wrap-up....
hunter graduated from 5th grade and we gave in and became parents who gave our preteen a phone....lol...he is enjoying texting more than anything....what did we do before cell phones?
this isn't a great pic, but this was during rehearsal for piper's dance recital...she is the one in the crazy orange....they were gummy bears for the recital.... :)
seriously, is she not the cutest little girl you've ever seen?

piper has no fear of water, so we thought we better make sure she could swim really well...she loved miss megan and her swim lessons...she cried when we had to leave every day....poor thing, she's gonna be my fish...

she wasn't very happy here because she had to wait her turn for lessons and she thought it was taking way to long to get into the pool....

from l-r in top pic....paul, hunter, cole and caleb at church camp...they had a blast learning how to put their faith in motion
bottom pic....hunter and caleb acting cool....they are too funny when they get together.

these are all pics from Spycamp, our churches version of VBS....hunter was called up on stage to be part of a game, piper digging in to the longest banana split on record in our city-100ft....and she was batgirl for one of the songs we did for spycamp....it's called Jesus your my superhero....the kids love it (and the adults did too)
this pic was taken after the car had been on for about 10 minutes...it was really hot here that day, i think we actually set a record for the heat and the heat index that day.....can you say, where is fall?
piper experiencing her first professional manicure (she also got a pedicure)...she wasn't too sure about it and it took her until almost the end before she even spoke a word....hmmm....filing that in my brain for later when i can't get her to stop talking...lol
That about sums up our summer....i will post more pics from the kids week at my parents since this is officially their vacation away from home (we couldn't take a "real" vacation because of my school schedule...only 11 more months of school and i will be finished...hooray)
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