My littlest one was home sick for day #2 today but because we needed something for dinner tonight, we had to run out to the grocery store. While pulling back into our driveway I noticed that both roses bushes that flank the driveway were full of blooms. I had thought about getting some fresh flowers at the grocery store but I am so glad that I didn't because what's better than FREE flowers? Roses are not my favorite flower, but free is my kind of bouquet. I posted this on my instagram account and thought I would further expand on it here on the blog.
Stopping to smell, I mean arrange, the roses.... Today
while cutting these roses God reminded me of the verse in John that
says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I
in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5. Apart from God we can do nothing....just one example of
another simple, yet not so simple, truth from His Word (and this verse)
for me to meditate on in this season of life.
I'm going to be completely honest and say that this season of life for me has been very tough spiritually, emotionally, everything-ally... I was laid off from my job the day before Thanksgiving and am still unemployed. At first, I really enjoyed being able to savor being with my family through the holidays and not feel like I was rushing around like a chicken with my head cut off. I took pleasure in being able to stop and enjoy moments that I traditionally had not been able to because I was working. I could have my quiet time anytime during the day without fear of interruptions because my kids were in school, I actually was able to complete the studies we were doing in my small group, and dinner was always before 7, which had not been happening while I was working my last job. This feeling of freedom and enjoyment soon turned to sadness, confusion, and ultimately desperation. Sadness because I love to work...I am not a good stay at home mom. I have the utmost and greatest respect for those who do it day in and day out, but I am not one of those women. Confusion because I did pray for God to move me away from my job, but I honestly thought it would be immediately into another one...I can hear God chuckling at His perfect plan and how I still don't see it, but I am trying to be faithful in waiting. Desperation is just the latest in the emotional tsunami that I have felt. Desperate because I want to be in His will and want the next step to be only for His glory, not mine. Desperate to walk with Him so closely that I know 150% what He does and does not want for not just me, but my husband and my children.
Long story short, there are days I feel like I am drowning and then there are days I feel so excited in the possible directions God is leading me. One of them is this blog. To get down to it and be completely raw for a moment, I didn't want to start blogging again...I have felt God pushing me to blog again since mid December. I really didn't start until last month...I have kicked and screamed the whole way, making excuse after excuse as to why it's a bad idea, but I started. I don't know why He has put it on my heart and I don't know the direction, but I am blogging...blogging about life...that's all I can do.
The verse above struck a cord with me today so I opened my Bible and read the whole section of the beginning of John 15. Just like my rose bush needs to be pruned so that it will grow and be even bigger, I need to have God prune my life. I need to have Him cutting into my heart and showing me the sin that needs to be dealt with and the areas of my life that I feel are important, but truly don't further the kingdom or His will for my life. If I don't stay connected to Him, like a vine to a branch, then I am not receiving the fullness God has to offer. Instead I am doing what I want, when I want, how I want...and that is not abiding in God and the truths of His Word.
It's not always pleasant to have to go through the process, but the result will always be worth it. I am incredibly thankful for Godly people in my life, friends, the sweet girlfriends in my small group, and especially my hubby! I know they will all be so glad when I get a job... :)
I may not have the answers to what is coming next for me, but I know that it will be in God's perfect timing and will be His best. I will have bad days and good days but I know that God is always there for me, to catch me when I fall, love me when I am unloveable, give me mercy and grace when I do not deserve either, and He will always give me His best.
And in the meantime, as a gentle reminder, I will have beautiful roses adorning my kitchen table.
a plethora of creativity including planning, crafting, DIYing, food and more....a journey of the fab 4....
diy~ dining room table re-do
let me just say that i so love when a plan comes together and it includes friends that are more like family...
so let me explain...i had been looking for a round dining room table for months when a sweet friend called and said she was remodeling her kitchen and would no longer need her table and did i want it...i jumped on it because it was not only a great, sturdy table but it was also my favorite! i said i would take it and within a day or two her hubby delivered it to my garage. this was in january...and i just finished it this past weekend! in my defense, i wasn't exactly sure of what i wanted to do and so what's a girl to do in that situation...pinterest, of course. well, if you've been on pinterest you know that it's never ending...and addictive...and makes me very indecisive. anyone else have that problem? so after much hemming and hawing, i chose to follow a tutorial for my table from Remodelando la Casa
i decided that i loved the finish and would use the same stain, paint, and wax to get the same effect on my table. the before of my table mysteriously was deleted from my camera...but my table looks almost identical to the one above.
after priming the table base, i made the mistake of using an oil based white paint. why was it a mistake you ask...because oil based paint STINKS!! i am not overreacting AT ALL! it literally took over a month of sitting in my garage and on sunny days sitting in my driveway for the stench to go away. i even googled and pinterest-ed ways to get the smell to go away faster, and NONE of them worked. and unfortunately, that is not the only hiccup i had...sigh...
i did use my Wagner Paint Sprayer for the base since there were so many crevices and nooks/crannies and it did make it a lot easier to paint than a brush. it was the first time i had used it and was pretty impressed until i had to clean all the little pieces...i will use it again, but it will be on a larger project.
the table base after being both primed and painted.
once the base was completed i started on the table top. i sanded and sanded until i was down to what i thought was the raw wood. i then attempted to stain the top in Rustoleum's Driftwood stain. i got it to the color that i wanted with two coats of stain and then another hiccup happened...i couldn't find the same type of wax that the tutorial suggested, but found Amy Howard's dark wax, which is similar. i started to apply the wax and noticed that the stain was coming off...not just a bit, but ALL.OF.IT! tears happened and maybe even a slight two year old temper tantrum did too... :( yes, i admit it and no, i am not ashamed...
after visiting the hardware store i bought the wax from and them not being sure what to do, searching the internet on what i may have done wrong, and then finally a local store that refurbishes furniture, the sweet lady there said my table top wasn't real wood, but particle board with a piece of laminate over it...more tears may or may not have happened on my drive home...
a few days later i went back to the hardware store and purchased Amy Howard's One Step paint in french blue...i chose this color because it is more of a pale, grey blue and was close to the original stain i wanted.
so i painted the top, waxed the bottom part of the top and was in to figure out what to do about protecting the top. it is a dining table after all. after much more hemming and hawing on what to do since i didn't want a shiny, but matte finish, i thought i was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this project...wrong, again!
i tried the wax again, but didn't like the way it looked so i tried using a clear matte spray...or at least what i thought was turned out it was white...yes, someone had apparently switched the lids...more tears people...i feel like i cried more over this project than any other one i have ever done...maybe i am pre-menopausal...or just weepy because this project felt like it was never going to be finished... :)
soooo...i freaked out about the white and before it was even able to completely dry i was sanding that table top like a crazy person. my neighbors think i am a loon, i'm convinced of it...
this has turned into a very long post, but i hope you have gotten a few laughs at my's ok, i'm used to family laughs at me all.the.time!
without further ado, here she is in all her glory...and guess what?! i think i'm gonna call her elsa...because she's an icy blue and white, with gray tones...and i think she's a beaut!
meet elsa...thank you to my wonderful hubby and my favorite son for putting her back together, and making sure she was perfectly aligned with and without the leaf. sorry these pics aren't great, but we haven't had sunshine in several days and this was the best i could do. i will post more pics of her all dressed up in the coming days, but for now...this is elsa!
so let me explain...i had been looking for a round dining room table for months when a sweet friend called and said she was remodeling her kitchen and would no longer need her table and did i want it...i jumped on it because it was not only a great, sturdy table but it was also my favorite! i said i would take it and within a day or two her hubby delivered it to my garage. this was in january...and i just finished it this past weekend! in my defense, i wasn't exactly sure of what i wanted to do and so what's a girl to do in that situation...pinterest, of course. well, if you've been on pinterest you know that it's never ending...and addictive...and makes me very indecisive. anyone else have that problem? so after much hemming and hawing, i chose to follow a tutorial for my table from Remodelando la Casa
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after priming the table base, i made the mistake of using an oil based white paint. why was it a mistake you ask...because oil based paint STINKS!! i am not overreacting AT ALL! it literally took over a month of sitting in my garage and on sunny days sitting in my driveway for the stench to go away. i even googled and pinterest-ed ways to get the smell to go away faster, and NONE of them worked. and unfortunately, that is not the only hiccup i had...sigh...
i did use my Wagner Paint Sprayer for the base since there were so many crevices and nooks/crannies and it did make it a lot easier to paint than a brush. it was the first time i had used it and was pretty impressed until i had to clean all the little pieces...i will use it again, but it will be on a larger project.
the table base after being both primed and painted.
once the base was completed i started on the table top. i sanded and sanded until i was down to what i thought was the raw wood. i then attempted to stain the top in Rustoleum's Driftwood stain. i got it to the color that i wanted with two coats of stain and then another hiccup happened...i couldn't find the same type of wax that the tutorial suggested, but found Amy Howard's dark wax, which is similar. i started to apply the wax and noticed that the stain was coming off...not just a bit, but ALL.OF.IT! tears happened and maybe even a slight two year old temper tantrum did too... :( yes, i admit it and no, i am not ashamed...
after visiting the hardware store i bought the wax from and them not being sure what to do, searching the internet on what i may have done wrong, and then finally a local store that refurbishes furniture, the sweet lady there said my table top wasn't real wood, but particle board with a piece of laminate over it...more tears may or may not have happened on my drive home...
a few days later i went back to the hardware store and purchased Amy Howard's One Step paint in french blue...i chose this color because it is more of a pale, grey blue and was close to the original stain i wanted.
so i painted the top, waxed the bottom part of the top and was in to figure out what to do about protecting the top. it is a dining table after all. after much more hemming and hawing on what to do since i didn't want a shiny, but matte finish, i thought i was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel on this project...wrong, again!
i tried the wax again, but didn't like the way it looked so i tried using a clear matte spray...or at least what i thought was turned out it was white...yes, someone had apparently switched the lids...more tears people...i feel like i cried more over this project than any other one i have ever done...maybe i am pre-menopausal...or just weepy because this project felt like it was never going to be finished... :)
soooo...i freaked out about the white and before it was even able to completely dry i was sanding that table top like a crazy person. my neighbors think i am a loon, i'm convinced of it...
this has turned into a very long post, but i hope you have gotten a few laughs at my's ok, i'm used to family laughs at me all.the.time!
without further ado, here she is in all her glory...and guess what?! i think i'm gonna call her elsa...because she's an icy blue and white, with gray tones...and i think she's a beaut!
meet elsa...thank you to my wonderful hubby and my favorite son for putting her back together, and making sure she was perfectly aligned with and without the leaf. sorry these pics aren't great, but we haven't had sunshine in several days and this was the best i could do. i will post more pics of her all dressed up in the coming days, but for now...this is elsa!
amy howard paint,
amy howard stain,
dining room,
dining table,
home decor,
wagner paint sprayer,
I have a confession to make...I am not a fan of wordpress...I thought it was going to be sooo much better and well, it hasn't been. My love affair with them has been short lived...mainly because the content from here doesn't look right and it just isn't as user friendly as I thought it was going to be!
I posted the little diddy below the beginning of the month and since I haven't been able to get it the way I want...the prodigal daughter is returning to blogger!
To say this post has been a long time coming is an understatement! I honestly don't know what happened to the month of March...I feel like two days ago it was the beginning of March and BAM, we are now in April! Crazy, I know!
Our family doesn't do resolutions at the beginning of the year...we set goals. One of the things that I was encouraged to do by my 8 year old was to read more. Yes, you read that correctly, my 8 year old... She is a lover of books...set a goal to read 100 this year...has already read at least 30...with most of those being 100 pages or more. With that being said, I have also made a goal to read...mine much less than 100 :) My goal is 15 but am hoping to blow right by that number...we shall see! This picture is some of the ones that I am dabbling with reading/re-reading during this year.
Let me know what you're reading!
I posted the little diddy below the beginning of the month and since I haven't been able to get it the way I want...the prodigal daughter is returning to blogger!
To say this post has been a long time coming is an understatement! I honestly don't know what happened to the month of March...I feel like two days ago it was the beginning of March and BAM, we are now in April! Crazy, I know!
Our family doesn't do resolutions at the beginning of the year...we set goals. One of the things that I was encouraged to do by my 8 year old was to read more. Yes, you read that correctly, my 8 year old... She is a lover of books...set a goal to read 100 this year...has already read at least 30...with most of those being 100 pages or more. With that being said, I have also made a goal to read...mine much less than 100 :) My goal is 15 but am hoping to blow right by that number...we shall see! This picture is some of the ones that I am dabbling with reading/re-reading during this year.
Let me know what you're reading!

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